Why Are Bio Balls Good For Aquarium Biological Filtration?

 As we all know those good bacteria in fish tank can concert ammonia into nitrite and then turn into nitrate. Those good bacteria form an essential part of the nitrogen cycle. So we need to provie enough spaces for them. Bio balls are perfect for them.

Bio Balls

Let me tell you why?

Think of bio alls as small plastic houses for nitrifying bacteria. Bacteria likes to cling to the surface of objects, and plastic Bio Balls have been designed to provide as much surface area as possible for the bacteria to cling to.

Some bio balls even have small pieces of ceramic or foam hiding inside--even more surface area for bacteria to cling to. Check the following picture:

The foam is perfect for growing large colonies of nitrifying bacteria. It’s water makes a sponge filter so good at biolocial filtration--the process of ammonia and nitrites being converted to nitrates.



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